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Front Row Seats Life And Business Success Tips For Free Front Row Seats

Posted On May 10, 2023 at 3:35 pm by / No Comments

Submitted by: Lynn Serafinn

This week, I have the great pleasure to be hosting a 2-part webinar called 10 Steps to Reach Your Pinnacle with Allison Maslan, who is widely regarded as the preeminent strategic life and business strategist in the United States. This FREE online event is on Wednesday November 3rd and Thursday November 4th, 2010 at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern, midnight UK time.

On the webinar, Allison will be sharing 10 Powerful Secrets that will turn your life and business dreams into supersonic successes.

Today she sent me the outline of these 10 secrets, and I have to tell you, they are like a mini-bible of common sense (but not always practiced) guidelines for happiness, acheivement, and satisfaction.

Allison is a remarkable woman, who has gained international recognition with her charismatic, inspirational spirit and numerous successful business ventures. She is the founder and president of Blast Off! Life and Business Coaching, an international motivational speaker and the President of the Homeopathic Wellness Center in California, where she has practiced as a homeopathic physician for 15 years. She is an avid entrepreneur who has built nine of her own businesses in many different industries and has appeared as an expert guest on several FOX, NBC and ABC morning shows across the US. She was recently a finalist for the Ethan Awards honoring the entrepreneurial author and the San Diego Business Journal s Women Who Mean Business Award. She has coached thousands of clients in developing and achieving their own successful life and business ventures.


I first met Allison when she asked me to create the promotional campaign for the launch of her book Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan to Launch Your Dreams into Reality, which came out in January 2010, and rocketed (pun intended) to the #1 slot of entrepreneurial books on Amazon in both the US and Canada.

In my work with Allison, I have personally seen that she has a gift in empowering and propelling people, whether executives, entrepreneurs or individuals in transition, to their personal and professional pinnacle. She triumphs in the realms of career, business development, relationships and finances, as well as personal and spiritual growth. You might even say she does it vicariously in spite of whatever challenges and nay-sayers she encounters.

I love Allison s unstoppable spirit. and I can think of no one who is more suited to talking about success. She is a truly genuine person who is always looking for the next mountain to climb. It s small wonder why she called her latest project The Pinnacle Program , which is a mastermind group starting in January 2011 designed to take you to the top in life and business. I m going to be participating in that program myself, because I want to create BIG things in 2011, and I know this kind of experience will provide me with the support I need to make them happen.

Allison has just told me that during this week s webinar, she will be making some REALLY special offers to people who register for The Pinnacle Program this week. I just read about the offers, and I have to tell you, I thought she was giving away more than anyone else I have worked with. I won t tell you want she s giving away right now. I ll leave that for the broadcast.

Oh yeah you can also send in your personal questions for Allison when you register, and you can also ask your questions on the live call. We ll try to address as many questions as possible over the 2 days.

I encourage you to register (FREE, of course) for this event at

Warm wishes,

Lynn Serafinn

Author, Transformation Coach, Book Promotions

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